JQICONPATH render the url path to an image icon This is a shortcut for: Note that this macro only makes sense for image icons, those that refer to a single image ...
TABPANE tabpane widget This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this: ...
Settings for WysiwygPlugin that are common to most editor integrations WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE Prevent WYSIWYG editing The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE c...
TWISTY generate content block with interactive visibility controls This renders the button as well as the toggled content section contained within this and the cl...
TWISTYBUTTON Shorthand version for TWISTYSHOW TWISTYHIDE This is useful if both the show and the hide button take the same arguments. Parameters All parameters...
JQueryAjaxHelper This page contains a set of example JQueryPlugin helpers that can be used in wiki applications. The examples demonstrate how you can dynamically ...
FeedPlugin This is a new plugin to render RSS and ATOM feeds from internet sites. It actually is a rework of the old HeadlinesPlugin now much leaner and more robu...
Attach Content Plugin Overview This plugin puts any text between a %STARTATTACH{"filename"}% and %ENDATTACH% into an attachment with the given filename. Pass fil...
Configure Plugin This plugin provides access to all Foswiki configuration data through the webserver, supports running server side checkers and wizards, and allow...
JSCalendarContribInline Inline include of JSCalendarContrib HTML for use in forms. Initializes the library (called only once) %ADDTOZONE{ "head" id="JSCa...
History Plugin . The output can arbitrarily be formatted. An example for a Wikipedia like history is included. When using PatternSkin enabling the HistoryPlugin c...
CacheContrib Description This package is used by other extensions in need of caching services. This specific cache stores data for a short period time, e.g. one ...
CaptchaPlugin Description This plugin tries to prevent automated scripts from creating users and spam your wiki. It does so by requiring a simple test to ensure ...
IconService The IconService functions as a central definition and delivery method for all sorts of icons: image icons as well as font icons. Different kinds of i...
Foswiki Spreadsheet Plugin This Plugin adds spreadsheet capabilities to Foswiki topics. Formulae like %CALC{"$INT(7/3)"}% are evaluated at page view time. They ca...
FlexWebListExamples These are some simple examples to show how to use the basic features of the FlexWebListPlugin. Please create some subwebs in the Sandbox web ...
FlexWebListPlugin Description This is a replacement for Foswiki's standard WEBLIST variable. It is extended to improve the display of hierarchical web structures...
TopicTitlePlugin Description This plugin implements a way to freely specify the title of a topic. The title is then used when rendering the link to the topic ins...
Templates for CommentPlugin See CommentPlugin: Customisation for help. While this topic can be viewed as a topic, it is used by the CommentPlugin as a template fi...