internal package Foswiki::Plugins::WorkflowPlugin::WorkflowException

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internal package WorkflowException is a Error

Exceptions specific to workflows

ClassMethod new($object, $def, @params)

Construct a new exception object.
  • $object either a ControlledTopic or a Workflow object, or undef
  • $def def name from workflowstrings.tmpl (sans workflow: prefix)
  • @params - any number of params for populating the template

ObjectMethod debug([$tagReport]) → $string

If there is an object associated with the exception and debug is set in that object, or $alert is true, stringify the exception.

If global debug is set in configure, write the string to the debug log. Return the generated string.

If $tagReport is true, then behaviour depends on whether the exception has an associated object. If not, then a debug string is returned (e.g an HTML comment). Otherwise if the object has debug enabled, then an alert is generated.

Topic revision: r1 - 21 Nov 2014, ProjectContributor
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