internal package Foswiki::Plugins::CaptchaPlugin::Store

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internal package Foswiki::Plugins::CaptchaPlugin::Store

class to manage the captcha

ClassMethod new() → $store

constructor for a store object

ObjectMethod writeDebug($message)

prints debug $message to STDERR

ObjectMethod readCaptcha($challenge)

reads the store and creates a Captcha object for it

ObjectMethod writeCaptcha($captcha)

takes a Captcha object and saves it into the store

ObjectMethod removeCaptcha($captcha)

deletes the store for the given captcha object

ObjectMethod lockDB($mode)

locking for the captcha store

ObjectMethod unlockDB()

unlocks the store

ObjectMethod expire()

expires objects stored in the database

Topic revision: r1 - 21 Nov 2014, ProjectContributor
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